Tuesday, May 8

BizPrep Enterprise Initiative to Promote Entrepreneurship

BizPrep Enterprise Initiative (BEI) will equip young adults in Indianapolis with practical business operating experience at a local Simon Mall this summer. Beginning June 14, 2007, BizPrep will provide youth with opportunities to master core entrepreneurial competencies during a ten-day, three hours a day business exploration class. Participating teams will begin operating their business on July 6. The program will conclude on August 3 with a business plan competition. The four top business plans can win up to a $300 savings bond for college. This program is made possible through a partnership between Purdue Extension-Marion County, Simon Property Group Inc, and Junior Achievement of Central Indiana.

BizPrep is targeted towards young adults ages 16-21 from Indianapolis and surrounding counties who aspire to explore entrepreneurial opportunities. This program will be conducted at the Education Resource Center at Washington Square Mall (10202 E. Washington Street). Participants will learn about the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial thinking, opportunity recognition, marketing, advertising, good record keeping, and ethical business behavior.

To be considered for this opportunity, participants must submit a minimum of one paragraph via E-mail to okantey@purdue.edu explaining their interest in entrepreneurship and why they wish to participate in BizPrep. Space is limited to sixteen students for the 2007 class. Students will be expected to provide their own transportation to all sessions including to and from their business operation site.

Registration is free. However, student business teams will be expected to invest $25 share holdings towards initial business inventory. Each participant will also have the opportunity to apply for a $75 micro loan to add to their team’s investment pool. Sign up forms, parent consent application, and detailed program concept and schedule can be downloaded at www.ces.purdue.edu/marion/Hot Topics.htm and click on BizPrep Enterprise Initiative.

For further information, contact George Okantey at 317-275-9263 or okantey@purdue.edu.

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